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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease polycystic ovary syndrome
Comorbidity C0271650|glucose intolerance
Sentences 4
PubMedID- 26370557 Pregnancy complications and glucose intolerance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
PubMedID- 22384426 The biguanide metformin has been recommended for pcos patients with glucose intolerance, body mass index >35 kg/m2, or resistance to clomiphene citrate [4].
PubMedID- 22583189 When roc curve analysis was used to analyse the suitability of ykl-40 to identify glucose intolerance in women with pcos, area under curve for ykl-40 was found to be significant (agt-pcos: auc 0.632, p = 0.046).
PubMedID- 20695771 Combined oestrogen-progestogen methods do not appear to increase waist circumference or the incidence of glucose intolerance in women with pcos or a history of gdm; their effect on hdl-cholesterol and triglycerides is comparable with that observed in women without the ms, while the effect on blood pressure remains inconclusive.

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